
This section controls common weather behavior, that is share across all the weather scenarios.

The properties are:

  • Use Dynamic Weather
    • When set to true, the sky will cycle through weather scenarios automatically. If its set to false, then the weather scenario is fixed to the one that’s set in the level.
  • Manually Change Weather Scenarios
    • When true, users can manually change weather scenarios by using triggers. In order to change a weather scenario, the user needs to call the function named SetNewWeatherScenario. This can be found under the Callable Functions tab.
  • Min Max Weather Scenario Change Delay
    • The minimum and maximum delay time between this and the next weather scenario blend.
  • Rain Velocity
    • The velocity of the rain
  • Use Wind Particle
    • Use a wind particle during rain
  • Max Actor Distance
    • Maximum actor distance around the player that is used for calculating rain and snow masks. When a player enters a building, there is no snow inside in a close range around the player. This number is a distance in meter around the player which should be included when calculating the rain and snow mask.
  • Rain Snow Collision Channels
    • The collision channels for rain and snow. Add more channels here if you want other object channels to also occlude rain and snow.
  • Classes to Ignore for Blocking
    • This list contains classes that should be ignored when creating the Rain and Snow masks.